Thursday, February 12, 2009

First Post!!!

Assalamualaikum wbt.


AlhamdulillahiRabbilAlameen, WassolatuwassalamAlaRasulillahiAnjamaeen, WaaleAhlihiWaSahbihiAjmaeen. Fot the first time ever, I think I'd really wanna post something in this 'webbery' and 'jungly' blog of mine. Nothing much for the first post though. Just want to put some videos that I've created throughout my life in Egypt. I'm still a newbie in this video making field, and I'm still following some tutorials to help me improve my skills. Credits to Andrew Kramer, from, who has made his tutorials very benificial to me and those who has encouraged me to slide into this videomaking thing.

Well hope you enjoy the posts and much as possible. Again, I'm still new in blogging, but I'll try my best to write things on whatever topics. Not to forget, hope this blog doesn't go as 'hangat-hangat tahi ayam', and I really have a feeling that it will go that way, hahaha. Finally, really hope for your support or any comments regarding me or this blog page to help me to make thing better. If things go not where it suppose to be, who knows what, Allah knows best, I'll consider to stop posting entries and writing. Mind my English, though I'try me best.
